(Updated) New Year's resolution....

Oh yea...here comes the popular topic that all teachers love to get their students to write about when....erm...new year's coming (come to think of it...is it becoz the teachers ran out of ideas to make students work for nothin?)

i'm still trying to cut my thigh and tummy fats away before going to korea, cause there might be a small chance that we will be wearing bikini..gosh! help! i'm left with lesser than 2 weeks!!

ok. enuff crap. here goes:

Review: $18 korean summer makeup class by color haus

First review on makeup classes since it's the first time i went to one..
Saw the promo on Gmarket (& later on on groupon & deals.com.sg), decided to buy and try it.
The classroom is extreme small, held at middle road, and each class is only limited to Max of 5 person (my class only has 2 çause the other 3 didn't come - quite normal! LOL).


果然,我还以为是我想太多,还是太鸡婆。你没有讲错,若要人不知,除非己莫为。而且这次也证明我真的非常讨厌别人欺骗我。虽然小时候我经常为了不要做功课而撒谎,长大后却很讨厌撒谎或欺瞒。可能是因为看到吵架都是因为谎言的关系吧。不过对她来说我们可能只不过是同事,最多普通朋友吧。我真的不希望是这样,也不希望有谁伤害到谁。我自己知道有时我讲话太直接,但我自己有反省,也希望你们可以了解为什么我会这样讲。对不起,但也感谢你们出现在我的生命中,让我体会许许多多人生的悲欢离合,人心难测。I love u guys...